Storewide Sales

Roanoke Co+op offers 100’s of great deals every week through Co+op Deals and our very own Fresh Deals flyers. Check out the current flyers and plan to save big $$ when you shop at the co-op!

Co+op Deals / MAR 19 - APR 1, 2025

BOGO Deals are limited to stock on hand. Not eligible for special order.

Co+op Deals / MAR 19 - APR 1, 2025

BOGO Deals are limited to stock on hand. Not eligible for special order.

Looking to save money on your favorite foods, supplements and body care products? Your local food co-op knows how important it is to get delicious food for your family at the best prices; that’s why we offer Fresh Deals and Co+op Deals. With sale prices on more than a hundred products from trusted brands each month,* there is no better way to save money on the products you love.

Fresh Deals are published on the same schedule as the Co+op Deals flyer, bi-monthly.

*Sale items are spread out over two two- or three-week promotional periods, monthly. Because Co+op Deals is a national promotions program for food co-ops who are members of National Co+op Grocers, not all products featured in the flyer will be available at all co-ops.

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