Everyone can shop. Anyone can own.
A defining characteristic of Roanoke Co+op is that any shopper can become an owner. This enables the store to directly meet the needs of its owners, as the Co-op is run by a democratically elected Board of Directors. Because we are the owners of our store, we can quickly and effectively enact the policies that make the most sense for our shoppers and our community.
Though you do not need to be an owner in order to shop at the Co-op, many shoppers – more than 6,100 of them – have chosen to invest in the co-op by purchasing a share.
Owner Benefits
When you buy a share in the Co-op, you are entitled to:
Vote in co-op elections
Run for the Board of Directors
Be eligible for an annual rebate check
Owner Rewards! Owner earn 1 point for every $1 spent at the co-op. 100 points = $1 Off at the register and the points add up quickly!
At the end of each profitable year, the democratically elected Board of Directors will determine how much of the annual profits the co-op can rebate to its owners. Each owner’s rebate will be a percentage of his or her annual co-op purchases.
When you become an owner of the Co-op, you are given an ownership card that is swiped each time you shop. This will enable the Co-op to maintain accurate totals so that your rebate check is a correct reflection of your purchases.
Becoming an Owner
Anyone is welcome to join the Co-op as an owner.
“Ownership” means owning a share in the Co-op, which includes our two retail locations on Grandin Road and Downtown Roanoke. Each owner is entitled to one vote in Co-op elections. Most “regular” corporations operate differently: he or she who possesses the most shares possesses the most votes.
Each share costs $25. Every owner is required to purchase 8 shares within 8 years, purchasing at least one share per year. Shares are fully refundable should an owner choose to leave the Co-op.
The process of becoming an owner is a simple one: stop by the store and fill out an application today.
You can also download the PDF and print it off!
Ownership FAQ
Do I have to be an owner to shop at the Co-op?
No. Anyone can shop at the Co-op, and all shoppers receive our monthly sale prices.
What are the benefits of becoming an owner?
Becoming an owner of the Co-op makes you eligible to: vote in Co-op elections, run for the Board of Directors, receive a patronage rebate at the end of each profitable fiscal year, & earn Owner Reward points.
Becoming an owner of the Co-op also benefits our community. The stronger our ownership base and involvement is, the more we can be an active force in our community for the causes we advocate: healthy food choices, local commerce, and the responsible management of our environmental resources.
How do I become a Co-op owner?
become an owner of the Co-op, you fill out an application and purchase a share in the cooperative. This share is an investment in the capital of the Co-op, and is refundable to you should you choose to leave the organization.
After I purchase my first share, when do I purchase my next share?
owner is required to purchase at least one share per year until he or she reaches 8 shares. Once 8 shares are purchased, an owner is full vested. Owners are asked to purchase their next share within the next 12 months to remain in “Good Standing”. Patronage Rebates, which are issued for profitable years, are only issued to those owners who in “Good Standing” with the co-op.
Owner Benefits
Owner receive Owner Rewards points for every purchase they make at the co-op!
Receive patronage rebates proportional to the amount you spent at the co-op during profitable fiscal years.
Subscription to our weekly e-news.
Opportunity to participate in focus groups and surveys to help shape the co-op’s future.
Vote in our annual Board of Director elections.
Eligibility to run for an open seat on the Board of Directors.
Invitation to the Annual Co-op Meeting to enjoy food and drink with the board and learn about the health and future of our co-op.
How to Become an Owner
Complete an ownership application and return it to your cashier during your next shopping trip, or mail it back to us at 1319 Grandin Rd, Roanoke, VA 24015. In addition to your application, there are two options for which you can purchase your shares:
Make a one-time purchase of 8 ownership shares for $200.
Pay for your shares one at a time, 8 installments of $25 each.
Owners applying in store will receive their new owner packet immediately which contains an owner card with owner number, exclusive new owner coupons and a reusable shopping bag. Ownership applications completed by mail will receive new owner packets by mail.
Your ownership shares are fully redeemable at any time.
Grandin Co+op Gran-Reopening 2018
Ownership in Action
Provide your ownership card or number to your cashier on each shopping trip to earn patronage points. Patronage points are how the co-op tracks your participation within the co-op. Owners will receive patronage rebates proportional to the amount spent at the co-op during profitable fiscal years.
Enjoy your benefits and stay informed of specials and sales by keeping the co-op updated with your contact information including address, phone and email. To update your information, contact our Marketing Manager, John Bryant, at 540-904-5700 ext 3 or john@roanoke.coop. Or, fill out the form below.
View a copy of our Shareholder Agreement and Bylaws.
Return of Equity Request Form
Complete, sign and mail to 1319 Grandin Road, Roanoke VA 24015